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Management Bios

President and CEO- Thom Kidrin, 47 - Mr. Kidrin is responsible for the general corporate and administrative management, as well as the management of the technology and product development groups in both U.S. and international markets. From 1991 to mid-1996, he was founder and President of The College Television Network, a public company engaged in the design and manufacture of interactive entertainment/ advertising networks in public venues. The College Television Network is the largest private commercial television network on university campuses in the U.S. Mr. Kidrin was the co-founder and a consultant to Motown Interactive, a multimedia publisher for Nintendo and Sega, focused on the development of the first ethnically based entertainment titles emphasizing the integration of music as a predominant gaming element. Mr. Kidrin was the President and Co-founder of American Softworks Corporation, a Nintendo, Sony and Sega third party licensee, and the Executive Director/Project Leader at Mattel Toys, working on the development of the first CD-based video game system.

Director of Production - Michael J. Sivak, 47 - Mr. Sivak has been with Worlds since 1995, when he was hired as an artist for the Starbright Project. During his time with the company, he has built and helped design many of's 3D worlds, including Animal House, HansonWorld, BowieWorld, and Hang. Prior to working for Worlds, he was a freelance computer graphics artist in Los Angeles, doing work for such companies as R/GA, Connectix Corporation, Digital Ranch, and Microsoft. Mr. Sivak received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustration from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.