Building a World(s) Class Community
Worlds' Community Leaders are selected volunteer members who are trained
to work with Worlds staff to help build the online Worlds community. You will
recognize our Community Leaders online by their special yellow nametag and
the word HOST- before their name.

Communities are all about people. At Worlds, we view the fundamentals of community
to be communication, relationships, camaraderie, commitment, contribution and
commerce. Building community is like throwing a party. Worlds Community Leaders
are the hosts, and the members are the guests. If you're walking into a room of
people you don't know, you're a little nervous and uneasy. You want a human to meet
you at the door, greet you, introduce you around, make you feel at home. That's the
role of the Community Leaders.

Our Community Leaders are there for our members:
- Community Leaders hang out at entry points and greet new members
- Community Leaders help new members with questions
- Community Leaders help members join the group by showing them around and introducing them to other members
- Community Leaders test new program updates before they go live
- Community Leaders help Worlds neighbors understand and follow the appropriate online behavior guidelines
- Community Leaders communicate with Worlds staff as problems occur

Our policy on behavior is one of inclusion and persuasion, rather than exclusion and punishment.
For this reason, the Community Leaders are charged with helping to engage problem members and draw
them into the Community. When necessary, the Community Leaders will be asked to identify ongoing
unacceptable behavior (as defined by our Community Guidelines) to the Community Director for further
action. We ask that all our members cooperate with our Community Leaders.

If you are interested in more information about becoming a Community Leader,
or you may fill out our
Community Leaders Application form.
You will be asked for information about yourself, for scheduling preferences, and for information relevant to
accounting. You will be notified of acceptance soon thereafter, depending on available openings.